The Late 90s famous superhero show, Dragon Ball Z – DBZ, is a spin-off of the Japanese anime cartoon Dragon Ball. However, Toei Animation released it in Japan in the 80s, a century before the world saw it. It has the highest fan following from all around the world. From kids to adults, everyone sees it.
The mythical Dragon Ball Z series depends on Goku and his companions and sidekicks. They protect the Earth from all the evil creatures, lowlifes, estrange animals, and other extra-earthbound who want to capture it and harm the planet earth and its people in specific ways.
This story depicts Goku as a legend, rescuer, and an incredible dad who raised his youngsters to be savior and saints.
During this whole show, Goku wears a dragon ball 59 jacket. The number 59 on Goku coat explains everything in the performance, quality, forces, gallant, and soul. 59 is the answer to the Universe and life. In Japanese, five means Go, and 9 means Ku; that pretty much sums up it all.
The good news is that Dragon Ball Z leather jacket is available on our website. DBZ jackets are for both men and women; you can wear them at any place to show off your cool taste in dressing. Goku bomber jacket is made precisely in the same design shown in the anime.
We have produced the DBZ bomber jacket in both vegan and real leather. You can further customize it according to your preference.
We made sure to stitch the Dragon Ball Z coats from super fine quality stitching. The DBZ jacket comes in two colors Black & Orange. This Bomber jacket Goku has navy blue full-length sleeves. Besides Dragon Ball bomber jacket has two sides and two insides pockets, making it handy for you to keep your stuff. Dragon Ball Z bomber jacket has an inner lining made of viscose. Coat Goku's front is a zipper closure. Dragon Ball Z jacket – Goku's coat also has rib-knitted cuffs. Its collar is a shirt styled rib-knitted color. Goku patch attached with the Jacket's arm, and on the other arm's sleeves, 59 is attached.
Order your Dragon Ball Z Goku jacket and get free worldwide shipping and gifts. Thirty days money-back guarantee on coat Goku. Available in all sizes below.
Extra-Small (XS)
Small (S)
Medium (M)
Large (L)
Extra-Large (XL)
For precise size, please provide us with your exact measurements or follow the size chart.
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